HOW TO SING A SONG - online book


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coloring of her diction, escape my notion. This is a condition which is a prejudice to the artist. The best comedians obtain great effects of expression by their science of coloring and by their art of pro­nunciation.
"The knowledge of the contents of the scene, the comprehension one might have of the subject of the play — if one does not speak the Italian lan­guage — is not sufficient for artistically appreciating the talent or the dramatic ' science' of the artist. Therefore, an entire part of her art — and a very important one — escapes us. We are captivated by a voice which is pure, clear, and sensible, and by the emotional quality of its intonations."
It is evident that the public submits to the charm of that music which is the Italian lan­guage, as it often submits to the music of the beautiful language of France, ignoring how it is sometimes disfigured, horribly pronounced, badly colored and still worse shaded by dramatic artists without the necessary vocal science. These make out of the art of declamation an art of deformation.
The great art of "coloring" the word is just as important as the art of designing for the painter, and again the great art of "drawing" the word is just as indispensable as the art of coloring for the painter.
Every word has its form and its color, its